• Youth
  • Hockey
  • Leagues

Spring 2025 Season

Youth League Schedules/Standings

2025 Youth Spring League

2025 Youth Spring League Season Specifics

Twin Oaks Spring Youth Hockey League runs from the first week of April to mid-June 2025. Ensuring a place in the league will require an online registration and payment for each team entered by March 21 and rosters by March 30. Without payment we cannot guarantee your place in the league. Listed below are the details for the season.

We have room for a maximum of 12 teams at the 1/2-ice Mite level and 8 teams at the Squirt and Middle School levels. Please reserve your place soon as we expect the league to fill fast.  

The season will consist of 10 games for Mites and 10 games plus playoffs for Squirt and Middle School divisions. The top 4 teams will qualify for the playoffs. There will be a few games scheduled during the week in order to finish the season by the middle of June when school ends.

Our Middle Schoolers are currently attending grades 6, 7, & 8. We ask that any players entered on a Mite or Squirt team play at the level that they will be participating in the fall of 2025.

Additionally, we will have a practice package available which includes 5 one-hour, shared ice slots available for $1,250.00.

  • Mites will play on Sundays between 8:15am-11:30am
  • Squirts will play on Saturdays between 10:20am-1:05pm
  • Middle School will play on Sundays at 11:50am or 6:30pm

Payments due March 21, 2025

  • $4,750.00: Squirt & Middle School season - 10 games + playoffs for top 4 finishing teams.
  • $3,700.00: Mite Cross Ice - 10 games. 
  • $1,250.00: 5 practices, 1/2 ice
  • Squirt and Middle School rosters are limited to 20 skaters. 
  • Mite rosters are limited to 12 skaters. 
  • Completed rosters must be submitted by March 30. 
  • All players must complete online individual player waiver/registrations. Waivers are due before each team’s first practice or game. 


Youth League Team Registration
To be filled out by team contact.

Register Online


To be filled out ONCE prior to your player's first practice or game.

Player Waiver

Competing in Twin Oaks' youth league offers an opportunity to develop the skills necessary to play hockey at a higher level in a competitive and challenging environment. We have created a program where the casual player can excel and enjoy the game without the pressures of travel hockey. Games are once a week, scheduled at convenient times. Playing on a town team in our youth league allows the players to compete and enjoy the game in a more relaxed environment while in the company of hometown friends.

Twin Oaks Ice Rink Offers Advanced Recreational Ice Hockey at Mite, Squirt and Middle School levels for the Spring season.

All schedules, game results and team standings are posted and updated promptly. Awards are provided to the winning teams!

Our on-site Café with free WiFi keeps the whole family happy while they watch the games.

Twin Oaks Ice Rink requires all youth league players to be on a team roster. Roster checks will be conducted prior to each game. Anyone not on a roster will be ineligible to participate.

Contact Twin Oaks Ice Rink
Jerry Dea, Hockey Director: jdea@twinoaksicerink.com
or Bruce Driver, General Manager, bdriver@twinoaksicerink.com

Rink Phone: (973) 292-5699

League Schedule + PractiCes

Youth League champs

Congratulations to our Youth League Champs!

Spring 2024 Squirt Champs: Morristown Junior ColonialsSpring 2024 Squirt Champs: Morristown Junior Colonials